Sunday, October 9, 2011

Crucible Essay

     When it comes to blaming others and the power of lies, anything can happen in a weak society. When the power is in the hands of a weak leader, the power inevitably falls in the hands of those who do not deserve it. Back in the 1690s in the colonial town of Salem, the scariness of the Witch Trials made everyone rethink people's beliefs and the value of religion. Within The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, the details and origins of the witch trials are clearly illustrated. It shows how people of the time forgot common sense and made up anything possible for certain people to die. Many of the characters in the novel make an impact on the novel, but three particular people influence certain events and outcomes.

     As one who could be called most responsible for it all, Abigail Williams is one of the most daring, ridiculous, and evil characters in the novel. Just to get attention from people of the town, she purposely lies and acts in a fake way. Her actions lead to the start of the witch trials in an almost inevitable way, because of her personality. From dancing in the woods suspiciously, to stabbing herself, to blaming spirits, to threatening the lives of others, her mind acts in a completely different way. "...I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I...will shudder you" (Miller 20). Once the witch trials have become a prominent event in the town, Abby gets girls from all over to go along with her act, with the power of threat. She sees the possibility of her popularity, and she eventually will do whatever it takes to have the ultimate power. Power is her motivation, and  power and an evil personality equaled a deadly combination in this case. With her, it started with a disliking to Elizabeth Proctor, and it ended up doing anything and everything to get certain people in the town dead and having a relationship with John Proctor. Abigail completely threw away the concept of kindness and common sense in this situation, and therefore was one of the sole contributors to the wrath of the trials. 

     Without knowing, John Proctor is another responsible for the Salem Witch Trials. Unlike Abigail, he was smart, had common sense, and knew that the events were nonsense. The factor that added him into the trials was his relationship with Abigail. Choosing to have an affair with Abigail led to Abigail wanting Elizabeth out of the picture, Abigail dancing in the woods with the girls, and then all the craziness then leading to the witch trials. Even though he did not want to be a part of it, he was one of the indirect catalysts of it. "...I may think of you softly from time to time" (23). This remark he makes to Abigail after the witch trials have just begun starts a new motivation within Abigail. Instead of rejecting Abigail at this time, his subtle comment adds new hope for her. Though unwanted, John Proctor indirectly and inevitably contributes to the trials in an emocional and heartbreaking way. 

   Despite her seemingly small role in The Crucible, Mary Warren is one of the most powerful when it comes to the witch trials. Switching quickly from Abigail and the other girls' side to John Proctor's shows that she is a follower, and anything but a leader. Willing to do and say whatever so that she does not suffer gives her the routine of swapping point-of-views. As an example, Mary Warren continuously tells the judges the girls are making everything up. But when the girls start screaming and saying they "see Mary's spirit", she easily switches to their beliefs. This quickly switching perspectives demonstrates how many people, especially during this time, would not take the blame for their actions, but would tell lies to save themselves. Her actions are a symbol of the town's overall personality of following those who might not be the best leader, but have the controlling power. 

    As a whole, Abigail Williams, John Proctor, and Mary Warren simultaneously cause, contribute, and affect the Salem Witch Trials. The combination of their actions shape the town into a mess of lies, unnecessary beliefs, and death. Common sense and intelligence were outnumbered by weak leaders who motivated themselves through the idea of power. Started by a power-hungry person and ended with a power-hungry society, the Salem Witch Trials were a scary period of time. Anyone could be judged or blamed for anything, and its responsibility fell to those who had no control. 

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