Thursday, June 7, 2012

iPads in the Classroom

What were the benefits of having a class set of iPads in the classroom?
The iPads provided an easy-to-use and convenient way to take notes and participate in class. Not only did you have the Internet right at your fingertips, but many other useful apps that pertained to American Lit. When it came to a traditional class where we discussed books/short stories/etc., the notes apps provided were straightforward and easy to navigate around. With the automatic syncing to all devices with your account (provided by these apps), it was easy to access these notes from my phone, laptop, and the school computers. This automatic syncing also proved helpful with Dropbox, which easily allowed files to be shared with the entire class. The iPads eliminated in many cases having to bring a notebook or textbook home, and easily being able to access everything I worked on in class at home was a bonus. When it came to projects, the iPads made the class a more hands-on experience. Getting to do projects using the iPads in non-traditional ways was a much better experience than just writing an essay or research paper; it made me more interested in the topics we were studying. Overall, the iPads were a beneficial tool that made class learning more efficient. 

What were the limitations or problems with having a class set of iPads?
The iPads were very beneficial, but only to a certain extent. Having them for American Lit was very beneficial, but it was the only class I had the opportunity to use it. Therefore, all of my English work was easily saved online and hands-on, but the majority of all my other classes were still stuck in the traditional format. With this, it made things sometimes disorganized and confusing when certain assignments were on the computer but then others were restricted to looseleaf and textbook work. Additionally, certain websites and apps were not iPad-based (such as Prezi and Weebly), so therefore restricted me to having to work outside of class on certain projects/assignments. Not being able to bring the iPad home was another issue; because of this, exchanging files between devices and having to log out of the iPads everyday made it cumbersome. This inaccessibility made things frustrating in certain cases. Additionally, because of it being a class set and being restricted in the classroom, you were not allowed to get new apps or personalize the iPad for your own benefit. Because of these restrictions, the "classroom set" atmosphere could be changed for the better.

Do you think the school district should have more iPad carts for students to use or move to a 1:1 environment where all students would have access to an iPad they would be able to take home and use during the school year?
I think that option should be available only to those who would use it and benefit from it. Not everyone likes the iPad format for learning, so the school shouldn't have to waste money on iPads that wouldn't be used. Additionally, if that option were available, I do not think the whole school district would need them. It would be  beneficial to middle and high school students; for elementary school kids not as much. When it comes to younger grades, they do not exactly need an iPad for "taking notes" or "writing an essay" because they have not reached that stage of learning yet. Additionally, for younger children (and maybe middle and high school students too) it would serve more as a distraction and toy that could be broken easily. Spending that much money on every student in the district for iPads is very generous, but not exactly needed. Personally, I would not want the district spending money on something not everyone would use to the fullest extent.

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