Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crucible Post 1

Within Act One, the power has evidently shifted in a both religious and controlling way. In a town almost obsessed with the idea of power, anyone will do anything to have it go their way. 

When it comes to Parris, he is one that is desperate to keep his grip on his power. After finally gaining respect from many people and being the religious leader, he is praying that everything will turn out for the better of him. With the idea of witchcraft spreading, he could be blamed most responsible, and that is what he has been fearing all along. When it comes to the girls, they too want power, but it mostly Abby controlling all of them. This leads them to say whatever they can for people to believe them. Even though they were in the woods dancing suspiciously, and Abby drank blood, their actions definitely did not have to do with association with the devil and witches. With their actions being revealed, the people are more likely to want to hear their side of the story. In this aspect, the power has somewhat intentionally shifted from Parris to the girls. 

The town will easily believe almost anything, and when it deals with witchcraft and suspicion, they will listen to the lies of the girls. Since these rumors are such a big part of the town, all common sense has been left behind. People will readily accuse others and tell huge lies. Even though the whole situation is confusing, the power has shifted and everything now depends on both emotions and actions.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Sinners" Follow Up Post

When Jonathan Edwards first proclaimed his descriptive and graphic speech, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," people back then were terrified, insulted, and scared. It made them change the way they thought about religion. In a world with so many religions and beliefs, it would be interesting to see how people today would react in this type of situation. It seems that the responses could go either way, they could be terrified just like people back then were, or they could completely ignore the speech.

Since the world today is filled with people both very religious and not religious at all, it is hard to determine how people today would respond. When it comes to very religious people, it seems that they would be more affected by the sermon. They could be put in the position where they would want to become even more focused on religion, simply because they would want to listen to the speech. They could be terrified, and it would want to make them even better people. When it comes to non-religious people, it could go either way. They could be affected in such a way that they would want to make religion a new part of their life; what Edwards intended for his speech in the first place. In a different aspect, non-religious people could be so unwilling to listen that they would completely ignore what the speech is trying to say. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Post

Within the introduction to “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, it explains how powerful and moving Jonathan Edwards’s sermon of 1741was. According to the video, this speech was the most important ever given in the Americas. It was so important, that today it is the only sermon included in American Literature books. Back when it was first delivered, it struck the New England colonies like lightning. It changed these places forever, sparking controversy and spiritual rebirth. When the speech is retold, even those who deal with extremely graphic pictures and literature can be numbed with terror.
            What Jonathan Edwards said in his sermon sparked so much controversy, therefore, the speech must have had to been brutal and graphic. Him being a religious person, he probably thought the new colonists were taking everything for granted. He might have thought many people were ignoring religion and what happens after death. In this aspect, he might have preached almost unreal details  of what hell is like and what God would do to you if you went there. If he was speaking in the aspect of everyone ignoring religion, he might have blamed the people and described that God would send them right to hell. In whichever way he preached it, it definitely was crucial in the reformation of the church in colonial America.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Descriptive Post,r:17,s:0&biw=1280&bih=819

Atlantis, Bahamas

     In this peaceful and tropical scene, the sky is clear blue with a few wispy clouds in the left and right edges of the picture. Towering in the back is a pink-beige hotel building divided into two buildings, but connected with an arch. On the very right edge in the background, you can see in the distance more of the same pink-beige hotels. In the middleground of the picture, there is a line of palm trees and other tropical trees. Around this cluster of trees there are brown rocks. The trees/tropical plants are divided into two sections, where there is a small lagoon/river connecting water in front of the hotel to the water at the front of the picture. In the front of the picture, it consists of shallow, blue-green water where you can see wisps of seaweed floating through. Along with the water, there is a narrow sandy beach in front of the hotel, and there is also a small amount of sand in front of the trees on the right edge. Sunlight shines over this whole paradise scene, making the water clear and calm, the beaches bright and warm, and the blue sky illuminate in the back.

Expectations of an Honors American Lit Student

     In an honors English class, much can be expected of the student. Along with the fast-paced academics, there are rules and regulations to be followed at the same time. Within Honors American Literature, a student must be good with his/her time management, willing to improve and learn, and take full advantage of opportunities in order to achieve his or her full potential.

     While taking an honors class, time management is one of the most important keys to success. Balancing work for each class will most definitely lead to less stress in the end. For example, if a student is assigned an essay due in one week, writing and/or editing in small amounts each day will lead to completion before the due date. If the essay is put off until the day before it is due, the stress to finish will probably overcome the potential of an A or B grade paper. Along with balancing the work load, it is important to stay focused when it comes to reading, writing, and in general, homework. Going on the computer can always help with research and other learning tools, but it can eventually lead to going on for entertainment/social purposes. Sites like Facebook and Twitter can lways lead to distraction. When it comes to time managament, balancing work while saving time to breaks and fun wil lead to a more successful result in the class.

     The willingness to improve and learn in an honors English class is another step to achievement. Without the want to do well, theres is no chance that that person's success will surpass one's with a motivated attitute. In a realistic situation, one who strives to improve as a student will most likely achieve goals with their high amount of effort. This is almost required for an honors-level class, because the high-speed of everything is fit for someone who is interested in that subject. To achieve something hard to reach, such as an A in an honors or AP class, the person must be willing to accept the challenge and try to go for it. Along with trying to do well in a class, a student is even more prepared if they would like to surpass that goal and improve as a person and a student. Improvement is one of the best ways that shows that a student achieved what they wanted. The want to learn and to do well goes hand-in-hand with time management as one of the expectations in an Honors American Lit class and how it can affect one's performance levels.

     Along with the strive to do well, taking full advantage of op[portunities is expected to accomplish what the students want. In any situation, one can take full advantage of what is given to them and improve further. For example, after writing an essay, a student could seek to where he/she could improve his/her writing by adding in new vocabulary so they learn the word more. In this essay, the writing and vocabulary of the writing improved, just because they took full advantage and edited it. Additionally, taking full advantage of resources given could help the student out of an unessecary issue. For example, if the student missed a day of school, he/she could look online or ask another student for homework. This way, the absent student can already be caught up and avoid falling behind. This situation also goes hand-in-hand  with time management, in the way of balancing the work out in a timely way. All three ways link together so that one is expected to be a well-prepared student that makes the most of the class.

     To achieve one's full potential in an honors English class, the student must manage time wisely, have the eagerness to do well, and take full advantage of one's opportunities. If they can, it is what is expected of them. If they achieve their goals and improve, they have finished the honors course in a successful way; exactly what it was designed to do.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About Me

     Oh hey there, it's me, the one and only, Dana. I am a 15 year old girl (emphasis on the girl, I have had enough with the people thinking Dana is just a boy name) that lives in Grosse Pointe, the GP, the 313, whatever you want to call it. Being a sophomore at GP South, I'm excited for what this year is going to bring. At 5 feet and barely one inch, I am a hardworking, dedicated, and unique girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Although I might seem like the quietest person when you meet me, once you get to know me better, I can be the most outgoing person to be around. Why do I feel like I'm filling out an application for or something right now? Anyways, I feel that my friends, family, and activities have shaped me into a busy person that is somewhat a perfectionist. With me, nothing can go wrong. If it does, well...

     My friends and family are one of the most important aspects of life to me. My family, who I think is most important, consists of my mom, dad, brother, sister, and me. They really keep me motivated and happy. My parents, Steve and Kris, continually help me to strive to be the best person I can. My brother, Kevin (11 years old), and my sister, Megan (6 years old), can either keep me in a great mood or drive me completely crazy. Being the oldest, it really just depends on the day. As the oldest child, I have many more responsibilities compared to my siblings, which can be extremely irritating. All in all though, we are a pretty crazy family, but I'll always love them. When it comes to my friends, I hope I'll always have them to be there for me, because I don't know what I'd do without them! I'm especially excited for this year, which leads to meeting new people and having a great time.

     Besides family and friends, my interests and extracurricular activities are my favorite. When it comes to sports, I play on the varsity field hockey team for South in the fall. I think playing a sport has lead me to meeting a ton of new people, especially since I came from a private middle school before attending South. My team this year is filled with a ton of talented and super nice girls, and I think we have the potential to be a great team. Besides that, I dance year-round at Grosse Pointe Dance Center. I've been dancing since I was five years old, and my passion for it lead me to join the competition group they have. Taking on a more serious role has made me improve in ways I never thought, and even though the time commitment is big, I love the program and everything it brings. Everyone asks me this question, "What kind of dance do you do?". In this situation, I just say everything, because my weekly classes include two different classes of ballet, pointe, jazz, tap, hiphop, modern, theater, conditioning, rehearsals for each competition dance, and so forth. Exactly why I say pretty much everything. Since my dance studio is about 15 minutes away, I dance with girls that go to North, South, Liggett, Regina, and Pierce. Even though we all don't go to school together, they are some of the closest friends I have. All the competitions and performances we have done together have brought us together, sort of like a dance "family". Besides that, I am a senator for the Student Association at South, I hope to join Varsity Club this year, and outside of South I am a part of Sigma Gamma, an association that does volunteer work that benefits the Detroit Institute for Children downtown. A pretty hectic schedule, I think. I really don't know how I balance it out sometimes. I think it's food that helps me, honestly. Especially chocolate.