Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Sinners" Follow Up Post

When Jonathan Edwards first proclaimed his descriptive and graphic speech, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," people back then were terrified, insulted, and scared. It made them change the way they thought about religion. In a world with so many religions and beliefs, it would be interesting to see how people today would react in this type of situation. It seems that the responses could go either way, they could be terrified just like people back then were, or they could completely ignore the speech.

Since the world today is filled with people both very religious and not religious at all, it is hard to determine how people today would respond. When it comes to very religious people, it seems that they would be more affected by the sermon. They could be put in the position where they would want to become even more focused on religion, simply because they would want to listen to the speech. They could be terrified, and it would want to make them even better people. When it comes to non-religious people, it could go either way. They could be affected in such a way that they would want to make religion a new part of their life; what Edwards intended for his speech in the first place. In a different aspect, non-religious people could be so unwilling to listen that they would completely ignore what the speech is trying to say. 

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